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Who We Are

“Each year, there are approximately 100,000 children born in the United States with birth defects so rare that they have literally “fallen through the cracks” of our health care system.  At the ACIEM Foundation, our mission is simple, straight-forward and, most importantly, achievable.

Each day, we save the lives of these, the forgotten children.”

Michael Baglio, Founder

The ACIEM Foundation serves children with genetic errors whose life-saving treatments are under-covered by insurance and government assistance programs. We monitor current coverage programs and, through our philanthropic mission 21Kids, provide financial assistance to these families in need, so that each child affected with disorders of metabolism may have the specialized foods, formulas, and dietary supplements necessary for the best chance possible for normal development.

Since disorders of metabolism commonly last a lifetime, our mission is long-term in nature. Once the ACIEM Foundation and 21Kids commits to helping a child in need, we will do so for as long as the child needs us.


Inborn errors of metabolism (“IEMs”) is the term used to encompass a group of disorders that are genetic, and therefore are present in a child’s DNA from the moment of conception. In this case, metabolism refers to specific biochemical reactions in each and every cell in the body. These reactions turn the energy stored in the chemicals in our food into the energy needed to run our bodies. While the incidence of IEMs may seem low, it is not zero incidence. Children are born every day with IEMs, and the impact on the quality of life is an immediate and life-threatening challenge. While insurance and government programs may cover the cost of treatment for many, it is not always there to support those in greatest need. These costs are within our reach with your support.

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